Meet The 2022 Speakers
Dr Veronica Sofianos
“Size doesn't always matter. How nanoparticles combat climate change!”
Role: Lecturer/Assistant Professor (Ad Astra Fellow)
Institution: School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, UCD
Expertise: Green Energy, Material Science, Nanotechnology

Aoife Martin
“Biocatalysis: Helping Chemistry Go Green!”
Role: PhD Student in the O'Reilly Research Group
Institution: School of Chemistry, UCD
Expertise: Chemistry, Biocatalysis, Flow chemistry, Pharmaceutical industry

Holly English
“FitBits for Dogs! Tracking animal movement and behaviour with technology”
Role: PhD Student in Lab of Wildlife Ecology & Behaviour
Institution: School of Biology and Environmental Science, UCD
Expertise: Zoology, GPS, Animal Movement , Foxes, Maned Wolves & Wild Dogs

Dr Elizabeth Hunter
"How your neighborhood socioeconomic status can impact your health"
Role: Data Scientist
Institution: Technological University Dublin
Expertise: Computer Science, Epidemiology, Infectious disease, Socio-economics, Predictive Simulation Computer Models

Burcu Akkoyunlu
“Can we employ microorganisms? An alternative solution for climate change”
Role: PhD Student at BiOrbic
Institution: School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, UCD
Expertise: Chemistry, Fermentation, Microorganisms, Bioprocess Engineering

Eleni Zavrakli
“A journey from Mathematics to 3D printing”
Role: PhD Student in the I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre
Institution: Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth
Expertise: Mathematics, Machine learning, 3D printing

Dr Alessandra Mileo
“How can a computer learn to “see” and “think"?
Role: Assistant Professor & SFI Funded Investigator (INSIGHT)
Institution: School of Computing / INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics, Dublin City University
Expertise: Artificial Intelligence,, Computer Vision, Computer Science, Neural cognitive systems
Join Us on June 18th 2022
Luke Kelly Statue, South King Street, Dublin 2